Varndean College

Varndean College
- Address Surrenden Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 6WQ
- Get Directions
- 01273 508 011
- Visit College Website
Varndean College is a Sixth Form College based at the heart of the community of Brighton and Hove where students become academically accomplished and flourish as a part of a welcoming, inspirational and close-knit family.
Varndean College is a wonderful place to study and to work in, it is a college with a difference. Unique in that we are set on a lovely spacious green campus with stunning views of Brighton and the sea, offering over 30 traditional A Levels, a wide range of vocational courses, a small but significant number of GCSEs, as well as the popular and internationally recognised International Baccalaureate Diploma. It also provides exceptional opportunities to the local community by offering an extensive programme of vocational and leisure courses in Adult Education, Access to Higher Education as well as providing Family and Community Learning at several outreach centres across the City and Diploma courses.
Varndean is truly exceptional; we have an outstanding academic track record, as well as a real community ethos where students thrive and where we put student happiness at the heart of everything we do. Each and every student is valued at college and our staff treat students as individuals building positive, respectful and encouraging relationships. Those who visit comment on how they are overwhelmed by the warmth, energy and atmosphere which gives Varndean its specialness.
Our staff are passionate about the subjects they teach, dedicated to ensuring students reach their full potential and help them every step of the way; whether it be on to university, further training or employment. We are tireless in our belief that a happy student is a successful student and in ensuring that all students make excellent progress.