Strikes in sixth form colleges called off: SFCA responds
Responding to today’s confirmation that strikes in sixth form colleges have been called off, Bill Watkin, Chief Executive of the Sixth Form Colleges Association, said:
“We are delighted to implement the Employers’ pay offer that will see hard working teachers in sixth form colleges receive a significant pay increase this year and end the disruption to students’ education caused by ongoing strike action. Following SFCA’s legal challenge and protracted discussions with the Department for Education, an additional £50 million grant was made available to colleges and that enabled us to increase our pay offer from 2% to 4.3%. The Department also agreed to use all the funding for Further Education announced at the Budget to boost the 16 to 19 funding rate and made a commitment to treat all 16 to 19 providers equally when it comes to teacher pay. This is good news for students, staff and industrial relations in the sector”.
- The National Education Union wrote to the Secretary of State for Education today (4th February) to confirm that it would suspend the ongoing strike action in 32 sixth form colleges
- In September 2024, SFCA sought a judicial review of the government’s decision to exclude colleges from the £1.2 billion funding made available to schools and academies to make a 5.5% pay award . SFCA agreed to withdraw its claim for a judicial review when, after protracted discussions with the Department for Education concluded in December, the government agreed to a. make £50 million available in 2024/25 that can be used to increase the pay of college teachers and b. increase the 16 to 19 funding rate in 2025/26.
- The Sixth Form Colleges Association (SFCA) is the established voice of dedicated sixth form education and the hub of a national network of sixth form providers. SFCA represents all sixth form colleges and 16 to 19 academies in negotiations with teaching and support staff unions (NEU, NASUWT and UNISON)
- For more information, please contact James Kewin.