Results Day 2024

Results Day 2024

Today, August 15th, is A level and AGQ results day. Below you can see reaction, news, and case studies from our member colleges as they celebrate the achievements of their incredible students.

Richard Huish College, Somerset

Results Day group photo

Huish students are once again celebrating superb Level 3 vocational and A level results after putting tremendous hard work and determination into their studies. Principal, Emma Fielding, said: “Today’s results are absolutely stunning and the best for many, many years. I am so proud of our students, not just for their amazing academic achievements, but for the contributions they have made to our college community through their curiosity, dedication, and huge sense of fun”.

The overall A Level pass rate at Huish is 99%, with 81% of students gaining A*- C grades. An impressive 57% achieved high grades of A*-B, 4% above the national average. A Level students did well across a wide range of courses, with 81 achieving three or more A*/A grades, and 95 achieving three or more A*/A grades at A Level and AS Level. Results for students studying Vocational Extended Diplomas were exceptional, with nearly 82% achieving at least one Distinction grade in their profile. 26 achieved the very top results of triple Distinction*. Students on a mix of A Level and Vocational courses also performed strongly, with 67% of them achieving a Distinction or Distinction* in the vocational elements of their Study Programme. The College is also delighted to celebrate its first cohort of criminologists in 2024, with an outstanding 85% of students taking this A Level equivalent qualification achieving A*- C.

Alongside celebrating terrific results, Huish is proud of the wide and interesting range of destinations their students are progressing to, from Diagnostic Radiography, Technical Theatre Arts and Pharmacology, to Naval Architecture and Horology. Emma shared: “We are excited to be celebrating a number of students successfully securing degree apprenticeships in areas such as the RAF, Police and Finance. These apprenticeships come with good salaries, funded degrees and excellent career progression. We are very proud of the successes in Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary Science this year with an amazing 10 students gaining places to study Medicine, two students set to study Dentistry, and one ready to study Veterinary Science”. 

Amongst the many exceptional outcomes being celebrated this year were:

  • Gabriella Jenkins and Alex Bulloso, who both achieved 5 A*s and are going to Cambridge to study Medicine.
  • Kacey Middleton and Alanna Doyle both achieved triple D* in BTEC Business, Marketing and Management and have secured places to read Business Management at Exeter University.
  • Evelyn Welsh Morris achieved D*D*D* in Applied Science and is going to read Zoology at Exeter University.

Xaverian College, Manchester

Class of 2024

More than 1450 students at Xaverian College are celebrating today as they reached new heights of success in their exam results. A Level students achieved a pass rate of 98%, with 18 subjects achieving 100% pass rate, and a quarter of all subjects being graded at A* or A. Those studying applied subjects also had much to celebrate, with a 100% pass rate and over 70% achieving high grades of DDM or above. The majority of students will now be preparing for their next steps, having secured their first-choice destinations, including some of the UK’s most sought-after university places as well as a number of competitive Higher and Degree Apprenticeships.

Milan Morris GibsonMilan Morris-Gibson (left), who achieved A*AAA in A Level Film Studies, History, English Literature and EPQ and is progressing to Bristol to study film, commented: “Xaverian has provided me with the creative freedom to fully explore my interests and develop my skills. The entire community of staff and students is incredibly supportive. My teachers adapted their approach to suit my individual learning style, which has made me so much more confident in my ability and allowed me to develop, academically and personally, beyond what I thought was possible in the two years I’ve been a student at Xaverian."

Tolani RamTolani Ramonon (right) is preparing to start a degree in Mental Health Nursing at the University of Salford in a few weeks’ time after achieving D*DD in her Cambridge Technical Health & Social Care Extended Diploma. Commenting on her Xaverian journey, she said: “I’ve learnt so much at Xaverian, and most importantly that, if I work hard, I will achieve great things. My teachers were amazing and I’ve made lots of great friends. Being able to complete two work placements has been my highlight. I went to a nursery and a primary school, where my roles were always focused on supporting young people, and I had the opportunity to learn more about Special Educational Needs provision, which I found incredibly interesting.”  

Principal, Tony Knowles, added: “What our students have achieved this year is brilliant and is a testament to their relentless dedication, determination and drive. As a college, we remain committed to elevating teaching standards, enriching the learning experience and ultimately empowering our students to reach their full potential. I am extremely proud that we have been able to play a part in our students’ success to date and a small part in who they will become in the future. With September fast approaching, we are also looking forward to welcoming record numbers of new students and hope they are excited to become a part of our continued success.”

Nelson and Colne College, Lancashire

Nelson and Colne College is celebrating once again, with a 100% pass rate in 17 A Level subjects and 91% of students achieving at least one A*-C grade. Principal Lisa O’Loughlin said: “Nelson and Colne College have a long history of academic success. Our A level provision is amongst the very best in the country, and we’ve led the way with T levels supporting learners to achieve outstanding grades and to progress on to a wide range of top universities and highly successful careers. We have 32 percent of our learners accepting offers to either Russell or Sutton Group universities - they’re recognised as the best universities in the country. That’s why we’re recognised as the top in the region for A Level student progress and the only Ofsted rated ‘outstanding’ FE college in Lancashire.”

Student destinations this year include Russell Group universities such as University of Cambridge, Durham University, Newcastle University, University of York, Imperial College London, and University of Nottingham. 71% of A Level Medical Science students have accepted offers onto Medical Science degrees, while 80% of A Level Applied Science students have accepted Jamaal Sajid 360030 Results Day August 2024 1offers to study science at university. Additionally, 76% of law students have accepted offers to study a law degree.

The college's T Level results are equally impressive, with an 88% pass rate and 68% receiving high merit or distinction grades.

Jamaal Sajid (left) is going places - either Cambridge or Manchester University to study medicine to be precise - after achieving A*AAA. Jamaal from Nelson was recognised earlier this year by the Premier League, who named him one of their Community Captains, in recognition of the community work he does with Burnley FC in the Community (BFCinC). Gary Goldsmith, who teaches Jamaal Chemistry at Nelson and Colne College, said: “Jamaal is an outstanding student academically and the extracurricular and volunteering work he undertakes with enthusiasm and commitment is quite remarkable. He’s a fantastic example to the rest of his peers and I know he’ll go on to be a success in whatever field he sets his mind to.” Jamaal said: “I’m really pleased with my results. Nelson and Colne College is the perfect learning environment: the connections that you build, the encouragement theNCC Eesaa Gulzar Engineering Level 3 371871 6 May 2024 opportunities, I don’t believe there’s anywhere better to study to be honest. It’s given me so much.”

Eesaa Ameen Gulza, 19, from Keighley (right), hopes to work in design and development within the aerospace industry after progressing to the University of Nottingham to study aerospace engineering, after achieving DDD* in his Engineering BTEC. He said: “I’m very happy. I was expecting lower so to get the maximum grade is great news. I’m definitely on track for my dream career. I have always had a passion for plane spotting. Aerospace engineering combines my passion for maths and physics too.”

Kainat Shah 360682 Results Day August 2024 3Kainat Shah (left), 18, from Nelson has achieved a Distinction after studying a T Level in Healthcare Science. She is now planning to continue her studies at UCLan, studying Biomedical Science, and hopes to gain work experience in her chosen field. Kainat said she really values the support received at Nelson and Colne College: “My results reflected how well my teachers supported me. I don’t think you can’t get the grade you want without trying.”



Long Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge

Continuing the upward trend from last year, Long Road is thrilled to report another impressive increase in the number of A Level high grades (A* - B) achieved by students. There was a particularly incredible proportion of top grades in art subjects at both A Level and Applied Level 3, including Fine Art, Graphics and Textiles, Drama & Theatre Studies and Applied Graphic Design. Additionally, students across the humanities and social sciences have delivered exceptional results, including in Religion, Philosophy & Ethics, Psychology and Sociology A Levels, whilst the sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and Maths continue to thrive, reflecting the breadth of talent across the college community. Vocational courses including Health and Social Care, Media, and Sport have enabled students to progress onto further education or employment, and continue to achieve highly.

This success is a testament to the hard work, perseverance, and resilience of our students, who have demonstrated incredible dedication throughout their two years of study at Long Road. Students' success is not just about the grades they have earnedOscar, but about these inspiring qualities they have shown throughout their studies. The college is equally grateful for the unwavering support of brilliant teachers and support staff who have helped to guide them every step of the way.

Oscar (left) received an outstanding set of results today, with A*s in Maths and Chemistry A Level, alongside an A in Economics A Level. He is now off to University of Bristol to study a degree in Engineering Mathematics. He said: "My favourite thing about Long Road has been having more responsibility over my time and how I study. The increased independence meant I had the freedom to focus specifically on what I needed too. I'd like to say a big thanks to Stuart Bailey, my Economics teacher!"

GracieHuge congratulations to Gracie (right), who this morning received a triple Distinction in Level 3 Applied Art and Design. She studied at Long Road for 3 years, after studying the Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design, and is now off to the University of Glouchestershire to study Illustration, taking the first step towards fulfilling her dream career goal of becoming a children's illustrator. She said: "My favourite thing about Long Road is the lovely atmosphere and all the support. I'd like to say thank you to my absolutely amazing teachers, Karen and Becky, who were so wonderful and kind throughout my years at Long Road."

Congratulations tAlexandrao Long Road Scholar Alexandra (left) who received a fantastic set of results today: An A* in Biology A Level, followed by As in both Chemistry and Maths A Level, mean she has secured her place at the University of Bristol to study Medicine. She said: "My favourite thing about Long Road has actually been my lessons and my teachers! I'd like to say a special thank you to Mark, Simon and Paul." Alexandra was joined this morning by her friend, and Long Road alumna, Kayleigh who is now at the University of York studying Bio-Medicine. She said: "I'm really enjoying my time at York so far. I love the campus and the course is really interesting with loads of lab work. But I do miss Long Road so much, it's hard to describe how amazing the atmosphere and the culture is here... it's actually very similar to the culture now at uni!"

Christ the King Sixth Form, London

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Christ the King Sixth Form is proud to announce the exceptional achievements of its students as they receive their A Level, BTEC, UAL and T Level results today. The students' hard work and dedication have led to an impressive array of outcomes, with many securing places at prestigious universities, competitive degree apprenticeships or employment. Students have achieved outstanding results, with a 97.8% A Level pass rate, above the national UK pass rate of 97.2%. This is the first year with students receiving T Level awards and their outcomes are inspiring; over 500 students at CTK study a BTEC, UAL or T Level qualification (equivalent to 3 A Levels) with a pass rate of 99.7%. High grades (A*-B; D*-D) were phenomenal this year with 55% of grades awarded representing a high grade.  

Mrs. Shireen Razey OBE, Executive Principal of Christ the King Sixth Form, expressed her pride in the students' achievements, saying, “Today’s results are a testament to the hard work, resilience, and determination of our students. I am truly delighted and proud of our students' amazing achievements. Our students have shown remarkable dedication to their studies, and it has been lovely celebrating with students and their families today. Whether heading to university or starting their careers through apprenticeships, they are all well-prepared for the future. At Christ the King, we are committed to providing high-quality education and support, and these results reflect our academic excellence. I would also like to express my thanks and gratitude to our dedicated teaching and professional service staff who have all contributed to our students’ success.” 

Christ the King Sixth Form students have secured places at a range of prestigious institutions, with some progressing to study at both Oxford and Cambridge University as well as being successful in gaining places on Medicine, Veterinary Science and Engineering degrees. In addition, many students have opted for degree apprenticeships with top employers such as Bloomberg, IFL, and the NHS, demonstrating the diverse opportunities available to students beyond traditional university pathways. Some of these success stories are presented here.

Cameron Iyaman achieved A*A*A*A* in maths, biology, chemistry, and EPQ, and is heading to Cambridge to study veterinary science. He said: "The amount of support I received from the careers and the leadership team at CTK have been exceptional: they played a crucial role. The passion shown by each of my teachers made my transition from being home-schooled easy. My advice to Year 11 students entering post-16 education is to always push yourself to achieve your full potential."

Adam Borouka received a Merit in T Level engineering, and is off to Kingston University to study civil engineering. He said: "My T Level course has been incredible; I have been able to work with ISG and gain valuable work-related skills that will help me in the future. Being able to study Civil Engineering at Kingston University is very exciting and I have really enjoyed my time at CTK, meeting new people and using the state-of-the-art Engineering facilities."

Deborah Adeoti achieved a triple Distinction Star in BTEC health and social care and is going on to Leicester to study nursing, with a specialism in leadership in mental health and child nursing. She said: "I am so happy about my results today; I have worked incredibly hard to achieve D*D*D* and all my hard work has paid off. My placement at a local hospital and daycare centre has confirmed my desire to study mental health and child nursing. These opportunities at CTK have given me a better understanding of my future career."

Exeter College

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Exeter College students are celebrating exceptional A Level, Vocational and T Level results today. The overall A Level pass rate was 99.5%, ahead of the national average of 97%. T level pass rates were 97% at the college, which far outstripped the 88% national statistic. Students completing Applied Advanced Level programmes have also achieved exceptional results, with an overall pass rate of 99.2%57% of A Level grades were at the highest A*, A or B, classified as ‘high grades’ - exceeding the national average. A*-C grades were also impressive with 83% of students achieving these grades, with the national average sitting at 76%. Over 50% of learners studying technical courses achieved distinctions or higher.  

John Laramy CBE, Principal and Chief Executive at Exeter College, praised students' hard work, saying: “Today is a special day for all of us at Exeter College when we celebrate the results of all our sixth form students. This year our students have again shown why we are an Outstanding College, as they have achieved excellent A Level, vocational and technical results. These young people had their schooling massively disrupted by a pandemic, with significant periods of time studying at home. As a result, two years ago, their GCSE results were adjusted to recognise the immense impIssi2ndact of that period. Despite this, they have achieved results that have exceeded 2019 pre pandemic benchmarks. As Principal and CEO, I simply want to congratulate them and to wish them well for the future.” 

Issi Marklew (second from left in left image) studied A Levels in English Literature, Biology and Chemistry. Izzy is now heading to the University of Oxford to study English Literature. She got an A*, A and B. She said: “I really enjoyed English Literature at GCSE and I chose it to balance out the Sciences I picked, but then I realised Literature was my real passion. All my teaching was brilliant, but in English particulYunaarly it really made me excited to study it and I had great support to get me to Oxford University to continue my studies.” 

Yuna Langdon (right) studied Health and Social Care Level 3 and received an A* today. She is progressing to the University of Southampton to study Midwifery. She said: "I chose to move my course to fit with my specific career plans after passing AS Levels at the College. I did 175 hours of work placements which has helped to prepare me for whats next. I have enjoyed the environment here, my lecturers, and the location in the city centre.” 

Amelia Amelia Saunders (left) studied the T Level in Health and achieved a Distinction. She is progressing to Nursing at the University of the West of England. She said: “I chose a T Level for the practical experience – I liked the mix of academic and practical elements and my work placement at the hospital has really prepared me for the work placements I know I will have to do at university for nursing. Having teachers who have vocational experience in healthcare meant they could advise me on career plans and university applications.”  

Leyton Sixth Form College, London

Leyton Sixth Form College congratulates those students receiving their examination results today and the considerable achievement that these represent. LSC students have performed strongly across the board on A-level, BTEC, UAL and T Level programmes. This is the culmination of all their hard work, commitment and ambition. Overall pass rates have increased this year to over 97% on A Level and 99.4% on vocational programmes with high grades at 44%. The first T Level cohort did exceptionally well, achieving a 100% pass rate and 62.5% high grades.

These fantastic results mean that LSC students can now move on to their choice of destinations; whether in higher education, training or employment. Each year a significant number of LSC students progress to university and apprenticeships, with many students heading to the most competitive degree courses and apprenticeship programmes.

24Principal Gill Burbridge said: “We are an inclusive College committed to helping students of all educational backgrounds reach their potential and we celebrate each and every individual performance on our academic and vocational programmes. We are delighted for our students and their families, and we also want to pay tribute to the hard work and dedication of our staff. Amongst these wonderful results we are very proud of Joshua Boase (lower right) and Zoya Arif (upper left) who have secured places at the University of Oxford to study English and History of Art respectively; Lloyd Okyere and Elliot Ferreira who are both studying Computer Science at Brunel University and Jessica Onuba who will be studying Medicine at Nottingham University. Hana Jalil will also be taking up a place to study Medicine at the University of Plymouth – our first vocational science student to secure a place on this highly competitive programme. Of the students who have decided to undertake an apprenticeship, Maya Lewis will be taking up a position with Christie’s Auction House and Cyrus Kazak is progressing to a Degree Apprenticeship at Cisco.”

Durham Sixth Form Centre

Students and staff at Durham Sixth Form Centre are celebrating success today following the publication of Level 3 results, marking yet another year of outstanding academic and personal achievements. In A Level and other academic qualifications students achieved a 100% pass rate and an average grade B, with almost three quarters of the grades awarded being impressive A*-B grades. The college enjoyed similarly outstanding success in vocational subjects, with over 90% of the grades awarded being the very highest Distinction*- Distinction grades.

Jo Lain, Principal, commented: "I am extremely proud of the hard work, commitment and resilience shown by our students which has supported them in achieving such outstanding results. Their success is very well deserved and will allow them to progress on to the next stage of their education and we wish them all every success."

Amongst the many Durham Sixth Form Centre students celebrating outstanding A-Level and vocational results today are Emma Price, who received A*A*A*A* in French, Media Studies, Politics and her Extended Project, Ellie Fox, who received D*D*D* in BTEC Applied Science, BTEC Health and Social Care and BTEC Psychology, and Euan Walters, who achieved D*D*D* in BTEC Information Technology, BTEC IT and CTEC Business Studies.

Birkenhead Sixth Form College

BSFC Results Day Group Photo

Birkenhead Sixth Form College has once again outperformed the national trend with a significantly higher increase in A level high grades than the national average, opening the doors for students’ exciting next steps at either university, apprenticeships or employment. Nationally, although exam results were expected to return to pre-pandemic levels, there has been a 1.1% increase in high grades in England.  Birkenhead Sixth Form College’s high grades have surpassed this, increasing by 4%.

Reflecting on the outstanding results, Principal at Birkenhead Sixth Form College, Mike Kilbride, said: “We have once again broken our records for A-Level outcomes. When we had our inspection in April this year, we were confirmed as Outstanding; if they came back now, they would have to invent a new and better grade.”

Each year, the college welcomes students from over 65 different high schools across Wirral, Merseyside, Cheshire, and beyond, making it the only specialist sixth form in the area. In April 2024, Ofsted commented that “all staff have very high aspirations of what students can achieve” and this has been demonstrated in these record breaking results.  BTEC and T level results were equally impressive, once again making students' ambitions of university, apprenticeship or employment a reality. Over 80% of students will be heading to university this September and a significant number have secured places at the UK’s leading universities, including the prestigious Russell Group, to study a wide range of subjects such as dentistry, medicine, psychology, law and environment science to name but a few.

Notre Dame Catholic Sixth Form College

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2 out of 3 students achieved A*-Bs at A Level in 2024, and 100% of T Level Health, Education and Early Years, and Business and Administration students achieved a high grade (D*-M) in 2024. 100% of BTEC Digital Games Design, CTEC Design (Architecture and Interior), and CTEC Sport students achieved D*-M. Each year a number of the college’s students go on to secure places at the most highly sought after and competitive universities in the country, including Oxford and Cambridge. This year, 10 Oxbridge applicants achieved their places. This can be put down, in part, to the College’s Enhancing Excellence programme. Notre Dame students are at the front of the queue when it comes to receiving the best advice, guidance, support and preparation when applying to Oxbridge and also to other Russell Group universities.

Alice Cammegh achieved A*A*A* and will be studying English Literature at the University of Cambridge from September. Peace Lekakis achieved a place at Birmingham City University to study Diagnostic Radiography by gaining D*D*D*. And Matthew Burnell achieved A*A*A*A and will be studying Biological Natural Science at the University of Cambridge. All are among those pictured above.

Notre Dame Principal, Justine Barlow said: “Once again, I am absolutely delighted by the results our students have achieved this year. This is clearly a result of hard work, determination and high aspirations from our students, parents, carers and our highly dedicated staff who always go above and beyond. Congratulations to all and we wish you all the best in your bright futures”.

Bede Sixth Form College and Stockton Riverside College

Students and staff at Bede Sixth Form CBede students 1ollege in Billingham are celebrating a 99% A level pass rate. The result comes in a year that saw the recently expanded college enter more students for A levels than ever before. “I am incredibly proud of our students and staff,” said Bede principal, Patrick Jordan. “This is testament to all their hard work and determination over the last two years. Indeed, it should not be forgotten that these are still among those students whose education faced significant disruption, during their time at school, due to the pandemic. To have achieved so highly with that as their educational backdrop is a significant achievement.”

This academic year Bede saw the opening of a £2.4m annexe, created in response to an expected demographic increase in 16 to 19-year-olds and funded in part by the Department for Education’s Post-16 Capacity Fund, making room for an additional 200 students. Part of the Education Training Collective (Etc.), the whole college group was named among the highest performing FE colleges in the country for its achievement rates last year.

Patrick said: “Following on from that success, we are proud to say our students and staff here at Bede have achieved even better results this year.  These are results that sit alongside some of the best sixth forms in the country.” Born and bred in Billingham and a former Bede student himself, the dad-of-three added: “To see results like this means a massive amount to me. The young people that we are seeing through the doors are the children that my own children went to school with, and their parents are friends that I grew up with. Being a part of these students’ progression is a huge responsibility and something I feel incredibly proud of.”Alan Tarkil 1

Also part of Etc is Stockton Riverside College. Among those celebrating results there today is Alan Tarkil (right), a young actor and children’s presenter who thought his acting career had come to an end when war broke out in Ukraine. He has been offered a place at Arden School of Theatre in Manchester after a run of opportunities over the last two years has seen him both perform and have his own work read on the National Theatre stage in London.

“My college course has become my second home, and my acting team my second family,” said Alan, who was just 16 when he fled Ukraine with his mum, sister and grandfather. Rebuilding his life in Stockton and embarking on a performing arts course, he used his experiences and the stories of those he heard from back home to inspire his writing. Last year Alan’s script was selected to be given a professional reading at the National Theatre’s New Views Festival, with the play even going on to be performed by himself and his peers at ARC Stockton.

Looking back at the last two years, Alan said: “I remember what a lost, scared kid I was in the beginning, and these people, to be honest, everyone from my course, were always with me, no matter what. That’s what you call a family. My life didn’t begin at Stockton Riverside College, or even in the UK, but it surely got a purpose here!”

St Brendan's Sixth Form College, Bristol

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St Brendan’s Sixth Form College is celebrating tremendous success today as their Class of 2024 collect their A-level and BTEC results. The College has the largest cohort of A-level students in the region and today over 900 young people have received their results. Students at St Brendan’s have achieved an impressive A-level pass rate of over 95% including 629 higSTBRN ALevel 2024 Muhammad webh grade passes. The College has also seen another increase in its BTEC grades with 287 of grades achieved by students taking Level 3 BTEC and Applied General courses being either Distinction or Distinction* (Star), which is the highest grade possible.

Over 17.1% of this year’s cohort have achieved high grades across all of their subjects (A-levels &/or BTECs). These include Muhammad (left) who secured three A* grades in English Literature, Psychology and Religious Studies and is heading to University of Bristol to study Philosophy. 

Over 508 students (57% of the cohort) applied through UCAS this yearSTBRN ALevel 2024 Ben and Amy web and the majority will be going to their first choice university. Amongst these are Ben and Amy (right) who both achieved A*A*AA and have both chosen to study Law. Amy is heading to King’s College, London and Ben will be taking up his place at University of Oxford. We asked Ben what advice he would give to future students: “Don’t just follow your friends or be somewhere out of convenience. I could have stayed at my school which was right on my doorstep but I chose to travel further for more options and opportunities.”

A record number of students have secured apprenticeships in many different fields including accounting, law, business, computing and engineering. They will be taking up employment with companies all over the region including Airbus, Burges Salmon, NHS, BT, Synoptix and NG Bailey. Amongst these is Evie (left) who will be starting her Paramedic apprenticeship after a year placeSTBRN ALevel 2024 Evie webment in a local care home. Evie studied Law and Uniformed Protective Services at St Brendan’s and today received results of Distinction* and Distinction.

Marian Curran, Principal of St Brendan’s, expressed her pride and joy at the remarkable accomplishments of the students, stating, "I am immensely proud of each and every one of our students for their outstanding achievements. Their hard work, determination, and unwavering spirit have resulted in excellent results. Not only have they excelled academically here at St Brendan’s, they have also become well-rounded individuals, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated staff for their tireless efforts in shaping the future of our students. The success of our students is a true reflection of the collective commitment of our entire college community.”

Peter Symonds College, Hampshire

Peter Symonds College has once again achieved incredible results for A Level and vocational qualifications for 2024, with students achieving higher grades in 2024 than in 2023. The pass rate for A Level stands at over 98% with 33% of the grades awarded being at A* or A. The proportion of the very highest grades (A*-B) is an impressive 63%. The pass rate for vocational courses is a superb 99.3%, with 58% of grades awarded at Distinction and Distinction* level. Additionally, more than 72% of grades awarded for the Extended Project Qualification were at A* or A.

Principal, Sara Russell, said: “We are absolutely thrilled with our students’ grades. They have done brilliantly and we are extremely proud of each and every one of them. There was some suggestion that nationally, 2024 would see a fall in student grades but it is not something Symonds has seen; our results are even higher than those achieved in 2023. Traditionally, Symonds students out-perform their peers and this year is no exception, with a third of students achieving the very top grades of A*-A and two thirds getting A*-B. That is truly exceptional. The repercussions of COVID still continue to be felt within this cohort; students suffered serious disruption to their secondary education with multiple lockdowns and restrictions on classroom activities. Despite all of this, our students and their families have worked hard and shown determination, focus, and a real hunger to succeed.

Symonds student, Bryn James, said: “Symonds provided unwavering support and encouragement since the very beginning of day one. College helped me structure my studies around my competitive dive training timetable which in turn, allowed me time off to compete. As a result, I have now secured a scholarship to dive and study in Texas, USA. I want to say a heartfelt thank you to all the staff at Peter Symonds.”

Oldham Sixth Form College


Oldham Sixth Form College is celebrating outstanding A level and Vocational results. The majority of courses have achieved 100% pass rate, with 1800 A* and A grade equivalents being awarded. The percentage of students passing A levels is a full percentage point above the national pass rate, and the number of students holding university offers is at an all time high. The number of students achieving high grades (A*-B) has also significantly increased.

Suzannah Reeves, Principal of the Sixth Form College said: “As always we are delighted with the achievements of our students. We are proud to say that, in spite of significant COVID interruptions throughout years 9 and 10, our students have done a fantastic job. I am immensely proud of the dedication of students and staff to give Oldham Sixth Form College the best results since the COVID Pandemic. This year’s students have also achieved the best ever AS results for the college and 3 percentage points above the national pass rate. The majority of our students study 4 A level or diploma subjects in the first year and sit an external exam or equivalent at the end of year 12. These results provide students with fantastic evidence for university and apprenticeship applications and demonstrates how effective a broad programme of study which often includes humanities, arts and sports choices, can be." 

Currently the majority of Oxbridge applicants have secured their places and all 11 medicine and dentistry students will be progressing onto their chosen courses, incJosh and mikeluding Iris Iftikar, who gained A*A*A and is going on to study medicine at UCL. She said: “Achieving these grades has been a dream for so long. I feel excited, proud and relieved”. Joshua Tindall, who achieved A*A*A*A*, said “I am grateful to all the teachers and others in my life who have supported me in going to Cambridge." He will be going to Churchill College to study engineering, alongside Mykhailo Tolstikhin (pictured left with Josh) who came to Oldham Sixth Form College from Ukraine 2 years ago.

King Edward VI College, Stourbridge

King Edward VI College is celebrating another fantastic set of results for students, as exam envelopes are opened and nervous faces break out into jubilant smiles. Students at King Ed’s have a long and proud history of great academic results, and this year’s are stronger than ever:

  • 00599.3% pass rate across a total of 3305 exams
  • Nearly 2000 high grades at A*-B awarded at A level
  • In excess of 20 students have achieved places at Oxbridge
  • 26 of 36 courses have a 100% pass rate
  • Dance, Drama, Music and Textiles courses all had 100% A*-C grades

Florence (in picture left) who achieved A*A*A* in Drama, English Literature, and Music, is off to Oxford University to study English. She said "My Mom and I started crying with joy when we read the results online. I’ve really enjoyed my time in college, and I’m so grateful for support of my teachers and I feel like I’ve been part of a lovely community that I look forward to hopefully finding similar at uni."

Tiffany, (also left) who achieved A*A*A*A in Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and Further Maths, is going to Oxford to study Medicine with a specialism in surgery. She said: "King Ed’s was great! When I first came here I was scared, but everyone made me feel comfortable – not just the teachers. I’ve made really good friendships during my time here, and wKE Results Day 7hilst I’m sad to leave I’m looking forward to uni."

Sienna (right), who achieved A*AA in Classics, English, and Film and will be studying Archaeology at Cardiff University said: "I’ve loved college – I’ve thrived here. Academically it’s stunning, the support is amazing. The teachers are fab, and I recommend it a lot."

Principal Holly Bembridge said, “Students and staff at King Ed’s are guided by the KEDS framework, with the E and D standing for Effort and Discipline, and we are seeing the fruits of this in these results.  I am so proud of the focus and commitment shown by students, and the way that teachers and all staff have supported them every step of the way.  I am pleased for this year’s cohort who are progressing to some of the best universities and companies in the UK. But regardless of the grades and outcomes individual students have achieved, I am proud of all of them: their thoughtfulness, care and curiosity have made working at the college a real joy day in and day out.”

Longley Park Sixth Form Academy, Sheffield

Almost 400 students are celebrating their A Level and Vocational results at Longley Park Sixth Form Academy today, with an excellent pass rate of 97% and half of all students achieving high grades (A*-B/Distinctions). Outstanding outcomes for students have been achieved on courses such as Applied Science with 100% of students achieving high grades on the Diploma course and 82% on the Extended Diploma. Students on the first year of the T-Level Education and Childcare course have also secured excellent results in their year 1 exam units which, combined with their extensive work placements, are preparing them successfully for futures in teaching, social care, and child psychology. Students are progressing to excellent destinations, with 340 students intending to go onto university, with others securing competitive apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

Some amazing stories of success from Longley Park Sixth Form Academy Students:

  • Mohammed achieved an A* in Mathematics, A in Chemistry and A in Biology and is going on to study Medicine at University of Sheffield.
  • Mya achieved an A in Financial Studies, B in A level Business and B in A level Mathematics and she has secured a Degree Apprenticeship in Environmental Housing with Sheffield City Council.
  • Numaan studied an Extended Diploma in IT, achieved D*D*D*, and is going to University of Sheffield to study Data Science.

Jamie Davies, Executive Principal, says: “We are so proud of all the learners who are receiving their grades today. Their dedication and hard work are evident in our excellent pass rate with half of our students achieving the highest grades on their courses. Today’s results reflect so much of what is unique Longley Park Sixth Form academy, extraordinary students who always dream big, aim high and reach further. We are incredibly impressed by their ambition and achievements and are excited see them embark on their next steps into higher education, apprenticeships and employment.”

Hugh Baird College and Sefton Sixth Form College, Litherland


It’s been a successful year at Sefton Sixth Form College, with students receiving their long-awaited results today after sitting their A-Level and BTEC examinations this summer. The college's A-level pass rate is 99%, with 70% of students achieving high grades A* to C grades. Students at Sefton Sixth Form College in Litherland are now celebrating having completed their time at the College and are looking forward to their next steps, be that university, apprenticeship or employment. Sonia Stirling, Deputy Principal, said: “We are immensely proud of our students’ incredible achievements this year. Their hard work and determination have led to exceptional results, and it’s great to see so many happy faces. We are excited to see them embark on their new journeys and are confident that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to achieve great things. We wish them all the best for their futures.”

Liam Richardson achieved A*AA in his A levels in English Combined, Film Studies and Media Studies, and is off to study film at Liverpool. He said: “I am so happy with the results I got today; I can’t believe I achieved A*, A, A. I am so grateful for the tutors at Sefton Sixth Form College as this would never have been possible without their support and encouragement. I’ve met the most amazing people during my time here and I will miss it."

Maisie Price achieved AAB in her A levels in Biology, Combined English and Chemistry, and is going on to Liverpool to study medicine. She said: “I couldn’t be happier with my results today; they are beyond what I imagined [...] My career goal is to become a doctor. I’ve had such a good time at Sefton Sixth Form College and have had so much support towards achieving this goal. My tutors have been amazing and I will miss everyone so much.”

Meanwhile, students studying technical and vocational qualifications within Hugh Baird College’s industry-based subject areas at the Bootle campus are also celebrating their outstanding results today. The College's T-level pass rate was an impressive 96%, which is well above 2023’s national average of 90.5%.  Rachael Hennigan, Principal and Chief Executive of Hugh Baird College, said: “I am incredibly proud of our students' outstanding results. These achievements reflect our unwavering dedication providing our students with the best technical and vocational education possible, ensuring our students are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and behaviors necessary to thrive in their chosen careers."

Gerrard White, a Level 3 Professional Construction and the Built Environment student from Walton, gained a Distinction Distinction*, and is progressing to a degree apprenticeship in quantity surveying at SAL Construction. He said: "I'm so happy with my results from my course. The skills and experience I've gained have built a solid foundation for my career in the industry."

Ellie Edwards achieved a Distinction in her T level in Education and Childcare and is going on to study primary edication at Liverpool Hope University. She said: "The support and guidance I received at college made all the difference, and now I feel ready to take on university!"

The Blackpool Sixth Form College

Results 2024 Group shot

Blackpool Sixth is celebrating another set of outstanding results for Summer 2024 and the college community couldn't be any prouder. Blackpool Sixth’s approach to providing the very best inclusive education for students continues to be a winning formula and now go on to their first choice destinations.

Blackpool Sixth Principal, Nicola Craven commented, “Our students are remarkable. What they have achieved in their short time with us is inLucy Mae Cheatlecredible. They have worked so hard and despite the challenges and disruption to their education in recent years, they have demonstrated the greatest levels of resilience and determination to ensure that they remained fully committed to their studies and to maximising their individual talent and potential. I could not be any more proud of our students and of the commitment of our staff. Our exceptionally dedicated, caring and passionate staff always give their all to ensure students’ needs are met and that they thrive and succeed."

Amongst the students celebrating fantastic results today is former Aspire Academy student Lucy-Mae Cheatle (left) who is now heading to the UniToby Jonesversity of Oxford to study medicine after receiving an A* in biology, an A in chemistry and an A in maths as well as an A* in her extended project qualification.

Toby Jones (right) is heading much further afield to pursue the next stage of his education. Toby, a former St Aidan's Church of England High School student, has secured a place at the world-renowned New York Film Academy to study film-making. He achieved a Double Distinction Star in his BTEC Level 3 Film and Television qualification and a B grade in A Level Computer Science.

Brighton, Hove, and Sussex Sixth Form College

BHASVIC students have once again achieved an exceptional set of results, testament to their resilience, commitment and curiosity.  The college maintained its high standard of an A Level pass rate of 99% and A*-B grades of 70% across 36 different subjects. Over 75% of students on BHASVIC’s varied BTEC programme achieved Distinction or Distinction* across 12 subjects. These results are well above the national average and place BHASVIC as one of the highest performing colleges nationally, whilst proudly being a non-selective provider with a large cohort of students.  

Many students will progress onto university after BHASVIC, and the vast majority have been placed with their first choice. With 42 students progressing to Oxbridge, BHASVIC maintains its position as one of the top ten providers of students to Oxford and Cambridge globally. Students have ample opportunity to build relevant skills and work experience whilst at BHASVIC, including a dedicated mployability and Enterprise programme, and the increase of students progressing into apprenticeships and work shows the eagerness of students to put their learning into practice.  As a Sixth Form College, BHASVIC takes students from over 60 local feeder schools and welcomes them into a community in which they can flourish. A vast range of extra-curricular activities are on offer, allowing students to explore their learning outside the classroom and build the relationships necessary to learn with confidence and happiness. Many students leave BHASVIC with results that exceeded their expectations, and the college is particularly proud of the ‘value added’ they provide, often to students from low-income families and some of the smaller feeder schools. 

Principal William Baldwin said: "I’d like to thank all our staff for their dedication and congratulate BHASVIC students for all they have achieved. Our results are a reflection of many things that make BHASVIC such a unique learning community. We have some of the best teaching staff in the country, specialists who will go the extra mile to bring their subject to life and inspire a life-long interest in learning. The support provided by our Additional Learning Support and Pastoral teams ensures that every student has the same opportunity to flourish. Whilst our students bring a consistent interest and curiosity to their learning and to supporting each other through clubs, societies, study groups and peer mentoring.  One of our core aims is to get students to think for themselves and to know what to do if unsure. These attributes allow students to enter into exams with confidence and calm, achieving to the best of their ability, but will be of benefit far beyond the exam hall. It is fantastic to know that every student leaving BHASVIC this year will be well-prepared for their next steps."

Bexhill College

Today marks another exceptional year for Bexhill 6th Form College, as students receive their A Level, T Level, and Level 3 Vocational course results. These results reflect the hard work and dedication of both the students and staff over the past two years. The provisional overall pass rate for A Levels at Bexhill College is predicted to be around 98%, with over 1380 A Level entries. An impressive number of students achieved high grades in their subjects, with 73.5% of A Level entries achieving A* to C grades, which will allow them to continue and advance their education at their chosen university destinations, which includes many of the most selective universities.

Level 3 Extended Diplomas, courses that are the equivalent of three A Levels, also saw a high pass rate this year of 98.5%. A significant number of these students achieve high grades, with many achieving an overall grade of Triple Distinction Star (D*D*D*) which is the equivalent of three A*s at A Level. Equipped with these results, students will confidently enter directly into employment or continue with their education at university. T Levels, which are also the equivalent of three A Levels, required students to undertake examinations as well as complete a significant period of work placement. Overall, the T Levels had a 100% pass rate, with a high percentage of students receiving merit or distinction grades (equivalent to A or B at A Level). The students and staff should be especially proud of this achievement on these still relatively new courses. The college would like to thank those employers who provided the placements for these students, without which they would not have been able to successfully complete their T Levels.

The results achieved by students at Bexhill College are a result of the hard work and determination of students throughout their years of study. These achievements demonstrate the high levels of success that the college is proud of, as well as the wide range of outstanding opportunities available for students throughout the year, such as careers events and support, enrichment activities, sports teams, subject-related excursions, and guest speakers. Bexhill College Principal, Karen Hucker, said: ‘We congratulate all our students on their achievements. Our students have worked extremely hard over the past academic year to achieve this set of amazing results. This comes on the back of the ‘Outstanding’ grade the College achieved following the Ofsted inspection in January and represents a positive end to an exceptional academic year. We wish all our students every success in progressing into further study or employment."

Prior Pursglove and Stockton Sixth Form College

Amelia Lummas Lucie Horn Isabella Green Alara Sazakli and friend Luke Myer

At Prior Pursglove SFC, there has been an increase in the number of high grades (A*-B) being achieved by  students this year across the full range of subjects, allowing two thirds of the cohort to progress onto university including competitive courses such as Medicine, Law and to universities including Oxford, Cambridge and Durham. Students have also been very successful in securing high quality apprenticeships in a range of fields such as Law, Accounting and Engineering with companies such as Cummins, Watson Woodhouse and Clive Owen Accountants. Head of Centre, Olivia Wytcherley, said: “I continue to be proud of the achievements of Prior Pursglove students not only in their academic studies but also for their willingness to engage in enrichment activities, volunteer work and playing an active role in their community. We celebrate success at every level and I would particularly like to acknowledge those students who have overcome personal challenges to achieve what they need for their next steps. Hard work and perseverance are the key to success, and we have seen staff and students demonstrate both this year to achieve these outcomes.” 

Meanwhile, Stockton SFC has seen its best examination results since 2019, with the percentage of students achieving top grades increasing across a variety of subjects, underscoring the dedication and hard work of both students and staff. Vocational subjects have also continued to excel, with high grades achieved in most subjects and pass rates climbing above national benchmarks. Head of Centre, Mike Mackin, said: "We are immensely proud of all our students and the results they have achieved through their hard work and resilience.  These results are a testament to the unwavering commitment of our staff and students and they reflect our college’s dedication to fostering an environment of success and excellence.  As we go forward we remain committed to building on these successes by continuing to provide exceptional educational experiences for the young people from our community, ensuring every student achieves their full potential.” 

Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group

Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group (NSCG) congratulates the students of the ‘Class of 2024’ on receiving their A Level, T Level, and BTEC Level 3 results today. NSCG is celebrating a record-breaking year with outstanding results that will once again position Staffordshire’s leading college as the largest provider of students to higher education in the area, with hundreds of students securing their first choice places on highly competitive university courses. Headline results include:

  • A pass rate of 99.3% at A level, with 26.3% at A*-A, 61% at A*-B, and 85% at A*-C.
  • 100% pass rate on T Level programmes with 25.4% of T Level students achieving distinction grades or above, and 88% achieving merit grades and above. NSCG was one of the first colleges in the area to adopt the new T Level qualifications, and having seen exceptional demand for these courses over recent years, NSCG now has one of the largest T Level cohorts in the country.
  • A pass rate of 99% at BTEC, with 47.9% at D*/D (A*/A) and 74% at D*-M (A*-B)

Top performing students at the college are expected to progress to a number of prestigious universities across the UK including: University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Keele University, King’s College London, University of Birmingham, University of Bristol, University of Durham, Lancaster University, University of Leeds, University College London, University of Manchester, University of Nottingham, University of Warwick and University of York. Annually around 97% of NSCG students progress to university, an apprenticeship or employment. Some of this year's leavers are profiled below.

Jake McLelland received A*AB in RE, history, and English literature, with an A in his EPQ, and is proJakegressing to the foundation year course at Cambridge to study arts, humanities and social sciences. Having spent a significant portion of his childhood and teenage years in residential care and with foster carers, Jake has overcome substantial challenges. Currently residing with supportive foster carers, Jake’s journey is one of remarkable transformation and self-determination. Jake’s demeanour is consistently pleasant, courteous, and eloquent. He is a well-informed, reflective, and intellectually gifted student. His steadfastness, rigor, determination, and methodological approach to studying have impressed staff and led to significant improvements, reflecting his responsiveness to feedback. His proactive approach extended beyond the classroom, as he independently applied to and attended a summer school at Durham University in 2023. He has served as a Class Representative, articulating and addressing issues on behalf of his peers with ease and confidence. Additionally, Jake volunteers as an Xtra, supporting staff and engaging with parents and prospective students at open events.

Ashlyn Tuck (right) received a D*D*D in her BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science, and is going to Lincoln to study Bioveterinary Science. Ashlyn is an exceptionally hardworking and dedicated student who has demonstrated remarkable progress and resilience in overcoming the challenges of dyslexia and deafness to excel in her BTEC Applied Science course. Her pAshlynassion for Bio Veterinary Science has been a driving force throughout her time at college. Ashlyn has diligently sought out and completed various work experience placements to support her application, including time at a local veterinary clinic and two weeks working on a farm. Beyond her academic achievements, Ashlyn has also excelled in competitive cheerleading. She represented England in the L3 Adaptive Ability category at the World Championships in Florida, USA, where her team achieved an impressive second place.

Erin Knock (left) received a Merit in her T levErinel in Supporting Health Care and is off to Edge Hill University to study Midwifery. Erin has been consistently outstanding throughout the challenging T Level course, yet unwavering in her aspirations to become a midwife, which has resulted in her steadfast determination, quiet confidence and kind approach to person-centred care. Erin has natural ability and much potential; a student who always gives of her best. Consistently punctual with exemplary attendance, organised and ready to learn. With strong independent working skills Erin has gone above and beyond week on week to educate herself in the specialist skills and information surrounding a career in midwifery. This, on top of the challenges of being in one of the first classes to go through T Level in Health, she has shown excellent scientific understanding and knowledge studying biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics, anatomy, physiology and dysfunctions.

Varndean College, Brighton

The college has once again demonstrated its commitment to academic excellence, achieving a remarkable A Level overall pass rate of 98%. This year, over half of all students achieved top grades of A* to B, reflecting the high academic standards upheld by Varndean College. Additionally, an impressive 3/4s of students earned grades of A* to C, showcasing the broad success across the student body. These results are a further improvement on results in 2023. Vocational qualifications achieved a pass rate of 99%, with over half of students achieving the coveted Distinction* or Distinction.  

Principal, Donna-Marie Janson, expressed immense pride in the students’ achievements, stating: "We are incredibly proud of our wonderful students and their outstanding exam results this year. Their achievements are a shining example of their hard work, resilience, unwavering determination and talent. Our staff have worked tirelessly to support and inspire them, and today we celebrate their well-earned success. I would like to thank every one of them for their incredible dedication, hard work, and commitment. Together, we’ve created an environment where our students thrive, making Varndean College the exceptional place it is. I am confident that this success will inspire even greater accomplishments in the future. Congratulations to all our amazing students - you have truly earned this moment!"

In addition to its A Level and vocational programmes, Varndean College also provides students with the opportunity to pursue the highly regarded International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, a globally recognized qualification that encourages critical thinking, research skills, and intercultural understanding. Earlier in July, the IB students achieved an impressive average diploma score of 34.34 out of 45 and an outstanding pass rate of 98%. That is more than 4 points higher than the global average of 30.32 secured by 187,826 students worldwide with a pass rate of 80%. Many of the IB UCAS applicants received offers for Russell Group universities, with three heading to Oxford and Cambridge. Madeleine Burgess Smith achieved 43 points and will be attending Oxford to read Biomedical Sciences, alongside Meadow Osborne, scoring 39 points, who will also be attending Oxford to read Law. Deneb Marden-Rull scored 42 points and is going on to study Economics, Politics and International Studies at Warwick, while Ruby Nunns, also on 42 points, will be studying Civil and Structural Engineering at Leeds. Flora Burleigh scored 41 points and will be heading to Cambridge to study Psychological & Behavioural Sciences.

Durham Sixth Form Centre

Students and staff at Durham Sixth Form Centre are celebrating success today following the publication of Level 3 results, marking yet another year of outstanding academic and personal achievements.

In their A Level and other academic qualifications they achieved a 100% pass rate and an average Grade B, with almost three quarters of the grades awarded being impressive A*-B grades. 

Durham enjoyed similarly outstanding success in vocational subjects with over 90% of the grades awarded being the very highest Distinction*- Distinction grades.

Durham are pleased to have maintained their track record of excellent results.

Jo Lain, Principal, commented:

"I am extremely proud of the hard work, commitment and resilience shown by our students which has supported them in achieving such outstanding results. Their success is very well deserved and will allow them to progress on to the next stage of their education and we wish them all every success."

Amongst the many Durham Sixth Form Centre students celebrating outstanding A-Level and vocational results today are:

  • Finlay Blackall

Results: A* in Accounting, Economics, Financial Studies and A in Business Studies

  • Annabel Burns

Results: A* in English Literature, History, Extended Project and A in French

  • Szymon Fladro

Results: A* in Further Mathematics, Mathematics, A in Computing and Physics
















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